
Contact details

Tel.: +421 915 996 114

Billing address

Slovak Baby Box s.r.o
Povraznícka 18
Bratislava 811 05, Slovakia

Company ID: 51021731
TAX ID: 2120566899
VAT ID: SK2120566899

Okr. Sud BA1 Vložka číslo: 121556/B

Responsible person: Eva Prnová
Open hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
Receiving orders via e-shop: nonstop
IBAN: SK76 1100 0000 0029 4904 2994

Possible cooperation

Do you have any original products which you think would suit our Baby Box?
Would you like to receive bigger or regular delivery of our boxes with possible adjustments according to your needs? We are open to all kinds of suggestions and will consider all your requests, please do not hesitate to contact us on this matter.

Postal address and Pickup location

Slovak Baby Box s.r.o
Pražská 11
Bratislava 81104

or leave us a message
